Adams High School Counselors provide a comprehensive, developmental counseling program to meet the academic, personal/social/emotional, and college/career needs of all students. Counselors are advocates who support students throughout their high school career and help them prepare for their post-secondary plans.
Google Classroom
If you have not already joined the Google classroom for your year, please do so now by clicking the following link and entering the code: Classroom code: np2pwb3 Counselor Meetings/Appointments:
If you would like to set up a meeting with your counselor, please see Mrs. Snook in the counseling office or e-mail your counselor to set up a time. Important Links and Resources
Counselor assignments:
A – Cn Mrs. King Co - Ham Mr. Trottier Han - Ku Mrs. Falkowski Kv – Ol Mrs. Bellomo Om – Si Mrs. Clement Sj – Z Ms. Parliament |